Thursday 31 May 2012

New update- finally!!

Hey guys! So sorry I've been neglecting the blog. IT WILL BE REGULARLY UPDATED IN THE 2012/2013 SCHOOL YEAR- I PROMISE! Till then I'll be working on getting the swing of this whole blogging business.

Some new updates: 

We're still collecting gently-used toys and books for B.C. Children's hospital... come on, we all know you're hoarding your precious teddies. Why not pass on the joy for a good cause?

Me2We will be having a PENNY DRIVE! Check in between your couches for any old pennies (or any coins for that matter) that you're willing to throw in the jar.

Interested in travelling to KENYA in the summer of 2013 to help build a school? There will be a meeting at lunch in ROOM 243 on FRIDAY, JUNE 1st for more details. 

Ramp It Up is currently still working for a 100% wheelchair accessible community. Speak to Jeevan if you'd like to be a part of this fantastic project.

You are all wonderful people. I hope you're all finding time to take a breath of fresh air amidst the madness of Exam Weeks... if not, do make an effort!! Relax, it'll all be over soon. Summer is on its way.